Aurora Jamuna De Simoni
Michele De Sanctis
She was born and raised in a conscious and attentive family, a lover of Yoga and spirituality. At 7 on his first trip to India, he has a special, mystical and alternative childhood. He graduated in International Cooperation. Become a Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance® International and Csen / Coni. Art therapist specialized in “Creative Expressions and Dance Movement Therapy”. He abandoned the city life to embrace a healthier style in contact with Nature and chose the Sabina to spread good practices of awareness, healthy style and happy life. She regularly conducts yoga courses for children and adults, combining yoga, play, experiences of awareness in Nature and expressive and artistic methods. Passionate about Forest Diving, she is now specializing in Forest Medicine. Organize events, growth and training groups, trips and retreats.
At 12 he was growing his first tomatoes, discovering a knowledge and a fascinating world that will become his greatest passion: the vegetable garden, permaculture, self-production. Agronomist, passionate about ancient seeds and natural methods of cultivation, he worked for many years as a project leader cooperating around the world. Cheerful and enthusiastic soul of life, he becomes the operator of Ludobus , builds great games of popular tradition from all over the world entirely in wood and lets young and old play all over Italy. For 20 years he has felt the call of this isolated place in the Alta Sabina, which continues to fascinate him and with which he has established a deep bond over time. Arrived a long time ago out of friendship, today he decides to stay there, motivated by love for a nature capable of giving so much beauty. Whimsical vegetarian and vegan cook, passionate about peasant recipes with the use of smells, fruits and flowers grown by him; he loves experimenting with fermentations and natural cooking.